amore da sogno

amore da sogno. Isola da sogno by *Blunight
  • Isola da sogno by *Blunight

  • jfyrfytr25
    Apr 4, 11:00 AM
    they'll let people upgrade at the subsidized iphone price (with a new 2-yr deal) because they'll see a mass exodus of subs if they don't.

    it will all work out.

    there was supposed to be a mass exodus when the Verizon iPhone was reeased as well/ It was not as many as the analysts expected. I doubt there will be a mass exodus for this either becasue the majority of people are sheep. They might get mad for a moment, but eventually they will justify staying and that will be it. Making a stand is hard, conforming is easy.

    amore da sogno. appuntamento da sognoquot;)
  • appuntamento da sognoquot;)

  • Mr. Anderson
    Feb 14, 10:48 AM
    First post at 4:13, banned by 4:16. This has to be a record, right?

    close to one I imagine. There have been a few like that in the past who have picked the wrong time to post. One of the reasons we've added a lot of global time zone coverage with the new mods. It gives us a better chance that someone will be on line when someone tries to pull something.


    amore da sogno. Storia d#39;amore [04:55]
  • Storia d#39;amore [04:55]

  • PCClone
    May 1, 10:05 AM
    Kinda funny they should pick Castle for a code name LOL

    Maybe they have a hidden data center there...

    amore da sogno. Quale amore da favola?
  • Quale amore da favola?

  • abz1981
    Apr 30, 02:37 PM
    Does anyone know of any free applications for my MBP that I can convert a movie to play on my iphone 4 that I have downloaded. Something simple that I can drop into Itunes and then put on to my iphone?

    thanks n advance


    amore da sogno. Con amore mamma.
  • Con amore mamma.

  • Dreadnought
    Jan 26, 01:41 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/420.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0 Mobile/4A102 Safari/419.3)

    Welcome back twoodcc!!
    Also, just saw that I'm the #16 folder of the team, always nice to know! :)
    Willbe going for the #10 spot in the next couple of days, so be warned :):)

    amore da sogno. SOGNO D#39;AMORE N.3 - PIANO

  • iLikeMyiMac
    Aug 14, 07:57 PM
    Cool what did you use to make it?


    amore da sogno. in un mondo da sogno,
  • in un mondo da sogno,

  • SheepNutz
    Mar 15, 07:45 PM
    If you want to give it a try, MyWi has a free three day trial I think.

    amore da sogno. V.A. – Canzoni D#39;Amore – Italo
  • V.A. – Canzoni D#39;Amore – Italo

  • techfreak85
    Mar 4, 12:02 PM
    I'm in.

    2009 Mac Pro Octo 2.26 reporting for duty.

    Make sure you get a passkey so you can get bonus points!


    amore da sogno. Mosaico d#39;amore malta e sogni
  • Mosaico d#39;amore malta e sogni

  • takao
    Apr 18, 07:02 AM
    Break it!? More like make it.

    I love life in the melting pot, it's the one thing I really miss about living in London, there's just a degree of culture clash that you don't get outside of the capital.

    london is rather unique in regards to beign a succesful melting a pot in europe, mostly because of the world spanning empire in the past ... in the rest of europe immigration from (former) colonies was either non existant or cause massive problems like visible with france

    also UK has a convienent geographic location to control it's illegal immigrations

    amore da sogno. [Le Migliori Frasi D#39;amore Da
  • [Le Migliori Frasi D#39;amore Da

  • Reao
    Feb 1, 12:18 PM

    Love it! :D


    amore da sogno. Un sogno d#39;amore !
  • Un sogno d#39;amore !

  • Gen3tix
    Oct 19, 12:22 AM
    Anyone going to the Apple Store in Freehold Raceway Mall?

    I should be able to get there around 3-4 if I choose to go to Freehold over Menlo Park, since both are only 20 minutes from me.

    amore da sogno. e tanti sogni da comprare.
  • e tanti sogni da comprare.

  • Magrathea
    Mar 23, 04:26 PM
    As has probably been said in the forums before, $25/hour is on the low side.

    Backing up a little and going slightly off topic: being passionate about something and being able to make a living at it are two totally different things. I think all creatives like ourselves should take a mandatory 6 month business class before we start our businesses. If you have bills to pay as most of us do, you gotta figure out how much you need per month and then how many clients @ x dollars per hour you need. If your living costs are low and you're just starting out then you can pretty much work for any amount just to get the experience but when you get older and you have a mortgage, car payment, kids ($$$$$$) you many end up working for someone else.

    Also, now-a-days, with the power of computers and software it's pretty easy for someone not so technical to sign up for a free blog such as Tumblr and Wordpress, grab a theme for $50 and have a website up and running for next to nothing. The internet has been growing at a steady rate, even in the economic downturn (big company fires techies and they start on online company) BUT when you have too many players in any market, the middle of the market falls out. i.e. you end up haviong folks working for $10-15per hour and others working for $100. This is not good for any of us!

    Also, working for ourselves we're more lightly to be tempted to tell a client to piss off as we're the boss so remember to keep your cool and be professional at all times even if the client is a no good tire kicking ^*&^* face!! And for the love of dog, make every client sign a contract where you lay out exactly what and sometimes more importantly WHAT YOU ARE NOT going to be doing for them. Client is being an ass, gently remind the client of what is written in the contract. Client is being a real ass; off to small claims court you go - one of the only decent things about the legal system in this country is that you do have certain rights compared to say other places on the globe!

    OK, putting my predisposed negative Brit attitude aside and yes this disjointed rant is now coming to an end :) Nothing is stopping you from getting a book on selling, yes, we've all got to be sales people or teaming up with other to get some sweet deals!

    (And as all good teachers will tell your, I've neglected most of the above in my Web Design Business to my own detriment! I have also never taken a client to court in 10 years of web design but I did think one was a no good tire kicking ^*&^* face though!)



    amore da sogno. Io Sogno Una Storia D#39;Amore Da
  • Io Sogno Una Storia D#39;Amore Da

  • tdbaws
    Mar 6, 10:56 PM
    does anyone know of any existing thread/another site where I can ask questions about final cut pro?

    amore da sogno. la vostra dedica d#39;amore…
  • la vostra dedica d#39;amore…

  • TEG
    May 4, 03:47 PM
    I Use the at&t scanner app, and it works great. Did you see if perhaps your lens is dirty, or do the apps just fail to function?



    amore da sogno. valzer d#39;amore (Sogno di
  • valzer d#39;amore (Sogno di

  • spazzcat
    Mar 31, 11:52 AM
    I'm guessing this is sarcasm.

    amore da sogno. VIAGGI D#39;AMORE

  • danamania
    Apr 28, 10:37 AM
    If you would like an informative take on the issue read:

    Unfortunately that article has at least one fundamental mistake about how the data in consolidated.db is obtained that leads to incorrect conclusions.

    Their statement "Yes, cell towers can be “located more than one hundred miles away”, but only if you live in the Mojave Desert." gives away part of that thinking. The database does not contain a list of cell towers/locations that the iPhone has identified by itself - local geography is totally irrelevant, because consolidated.db records a list of cell towers sent from Apple. I tested this by wiping my iPhone clean, not restoring from a backup, then leaving it sit for a while on my desk on Saturday.

    Within 30 minutes consolidated.db held data on about 30 cell towers across a range of 80km, and every single one had the same timestamp. It could do this because it's received a dump of relatively nearby towers and wifi points from Apple. All the iPhone has recorded of its own position is a few strong towers, sent off the IDs of those to Apple, and received back a file with info on more towers around me that may be useful in the future - Apple selects which towers, and by looking at iPhoneTracker's dump of other folks' consolidated.db files, it's across a wide wide physical range.

    That's the biggie. The list of locations in consolidated.db ARE NOT DISCOVERED BY THE PHONE ITSELF - It's a list sent from Apple, and all entries are timestamped AFTER that information comes back from Apple, which is not necessarily when the phone was remotely near that location.

    Wifi turned out even more distant, timewise. I (and my phone :) was in a location 5km away from home, and after returning I checked my consolidated.db for any wifi points from near that place. There were none. I checked again that night, there were none. I checked again the next morning, and there they were, 1750 wifi points timestamped around 2am - that's a list of wifi points across several kilometres, for a position I was at more than 12 hours beforehand. I could have been on the other side of the country at that timestamp, or I could have been in the same place. For looking back and 'tracking' me or my phone it's about as accurate as throwing a dart at a spinning globe. For enabling me to find my own location through aGPS, it lets me find my precise location if I choose, in seconds instead of 13 minutes. I'm the one who benefits.

    Worth mentioning apart from the 2MB limit is that new data from Apple on the same cell towers or wifi points overwrites the old data. Last I looked at my consolidated.db, (because I haven't moved more than a few km) every cell tower in it has a timestamp of the most recent time it was updated; today that's Thursday morning (16 hours ago) There are no cell tower entries with timestamps before that, even though I've been checking consolidated.db since Saturday when it first showed a record of towers approximately near me. More succinctly, each unique object (cell tower or wifi point) only has its location stored in consolidated.db once, and that's its most recent known position as sent from Apple.

    I feel this log shouldn't be readable so easily, and it could do with being smaller (There's no point to stale data from a year ago on a city I haven't been near for the same time, when wifi points and cell towers could have changed dramatically) but as for tracking? It's about as close to tracking me as carrying a bag of maps is.


    amore da sogno. sogno d#39;amore … Read More
  • sogno d#39;amore … Read More

  • mattcube64
    Dec 25, 12:11 PM
    I still have much more to do... but have to wait until later today. Love lurking threads like these, and figured I'd post my haul so far... :)

    amore da sogno. Re: C O/A SE DA SOGNO

  • Ish
    Nov 1, 03:12 AM
    Oh dear! I'm going to the London store on Friday. It'll be packed! :eek:

    amore da sogno. Re: C O/A SE DA SOGNO

  • Popeye206
    Apr 27, 06:26 PM
    Why does it take a media storm for Apple to open up on an issue ? It would be so much better if they more forthcoming and frank before an issue snowballs.

    LOL! Well, they lost their crystal ball. :rolleyes:

    Aug 1, 07:21 AM
    Switches to a new Michael Jackson image every 5 minutes :D

    Full of Win
    Apr 4, 10:05 AM
    It may be from the weakening ( or collapsing) USD, and Apple increasing prices to AT&T. Then again, it may be sheer greed.

    Dec 4, 09:33 PM
    I have one, not sure if I want to sell though. Make me an offer via PM or email.

    Apr 28, 09:55 PM
    So this must be considered an Apple Fanboy site then, right?

    You do realize this is called right?

    Mar 31, 05:21 PM
    They're idiots. Caught up in the "coolness" hype. Nothing more. And I don't consider weekend wedding photogs to be pros. I guarantee that any full time pro who needs to put food on the table does not depend on, much less condone the iPad to earn his/her keep.

    Yeah, right. Like I'm going to be processing 30MB RAW files on a freaking 64gb Web browser.


    No. Proofing and this so called "manipulation" belongs in a lab where meticulous care can be devoted to delivering perfectly color balanced prints�. Not a silly-assed iPad out in the field. And if said lab is out of reach then bring the lab with you in the form of something with more computing muscle�.

    in other words� get the right tool for the job at hand and the iPad ain't it.

    The iPad does nothing for me "in the field" that can't be achieved with a $99 portable DVD player used to show clients an enlarged preview. And photo journalists aren't allowed to use photoshop anyway.

    No joke.

    Look I'm all for new additions to the line of productivity apps for iOS products, but if someone walked into my studio touting their iPad with Photoshop or any other drawing, painting, video or audio app as a production station, I would laugh them right out the door. Do people seriously have any idea how big some of these files get? Not to mention the horse power that is needed to maintain a reasonable working interface? "Oh I can zoom in and do this, zoom out and do that..." Then they have no idea what timely productivity and deadlines are all about.

    In the current form this does not cut it on a professional level. It may get there, but not anytime soon.

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