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  • sk58781111
    Oct 7, 10:47 AM
    3.5" was great in 2007 but not anymore. Apple needs to make a 4.2" iPhone ;)

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  • wordoflife
    Apr 5, 04:50 PM
    Interesting. Faster backup speeds ftw

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  • Matthew Yohe
    Nov 11, 02:26 AM

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  • iLucas
    Mar 30, 02:54 PM
    $4.10 so I pay around 40-50

    I am expecting in Los Angeles to hit $5, need to research bus route information to work.

    Expensive! Here its still hovering around 3.50, I can't imagine paying $5 a gallon


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  • scem0
    Sep 14, 09:40 PM
    Originally posted by MacBandit

    Not truly cheaper. Not truly faster.

    I dont see how anyone can say this when I can get a 2.8 GHz custom built speed-demon for 1,300 after shopping around, and I cant get **** from apple for 1,300. Well I could get something, but nothing that compares speed-wise to the pentium 4.

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  • rstansby
    Mar 19, 04:04 PM
    Only $20 savings for each iPad, when you buy 10. That is no better than the education discount on iMacs, when you buy them 1 at a time.


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  • TechNut315
    Apr 14, 03:37 PM
    its a thursday afternoon. Shouldnt the intelligent people be... working?

    im a bored college student, not immature kid. A little smartass humor does not hurt in my opinion. Unnecessary one word posts are annoying though.

    Its only Thursday afternoon, where you live.

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  • Skika
    Dec 14, 07:54 AM
    Anyone thinks thats why they went a little overkill with the current resolution? So they can keep the same resolution on a 4 inch screen and still looks good plus no problems for apps and developers?


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  • flopticalcube
    Mar 11, 05:36 PM
    Something made in the US, either a Camaro or a Challenger. I'm waiting to see if there is a glimmer of hope that Dodge makes a convertible Challenger next year.

    Neither of those are assembled in the US. They are both the product of The Peoples' Democratic Revolutionary Socialist Province of Ontario.

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  • bartelby
    Sep 25, 12:15 PM
    Omg with no laptop updates, I'd like to watch as Apple's laptop sales tumble. Already the Apple Store dropped their MacBook shipping days down to 3-5 days (nobody wants it). :mad:

    And your proof for that statment is?

    The fact the shipping time has dropped couldn't be they've had more stock delivered could it?


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  • MorphingDragon
    Apr 15, 07:24 AM
    And Microsoft Windows Server ? really ? Is it successful because I have to install 30 of those to run a simple SSO db like AD whereas I can run eDirectory off of 3 Sun boxes and achieve the same results with about 100 times more objects in the directory ?

    God, haven't used eDirectory in ages, especially so since Novell has been a bit volatile. Been using a Mixture of FreeIPA/Zimbra OSE/Zimbra Collaboration the last couple of years, much faster and cheaper than a Microsoft stack.

    So yes, Microsoft server is so successful because its just the best. :rolleyes:

    They have literally held the industry back all through the 90s and early 00s, something we're just now breaking free of. Just for that, I would never lend them my expertise no matter the offer. It is an ethical and moral choice, not one based on some crazy love for one brand of products.

    Don't forget the the near-brainwashing of Techs and Admins, keeping most businesses and service providers out of plain ignorance.

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  • sebastianlewis
    May 31, 12:20 AM
    OK, I've been going through the Macrumors Guides a lot today, and what I'm seeing really sucks in organization, I'm sure you all know that already which is why this discussion is already here, so I wrote a few guidelines, made some minor changes to my previous proposal and I'm resubmitting it here. I'm going to continue going around and marking pages that are Stubs or Out of Date or should probably be deleted so that we have something to work with... we need a general agreement on what makes a good categorization system so that this mess is never recreated again and if possible I'd like to have an agreement by next week so that the changes can be put into effect immediately.

    All of the Sub-Subcategories can be done away with, especially those under Apple Events, most of the Subcategories can be done away with, and all of the main categories can be reorganized and merged with others with a few done away with all together, categories are being treated more like tag clouds even though that's far from the case, they're not tag clouds, they're a hierarchy for useful organization

    1) No Sub-Sub categories. A few subcategories per category is fine, but too many and it makes the Guides harder to navigate. Specific information like whether an app is an Instant Messenger or Web Browser can be included in the article page itself, and speaking of which...

    2) Document information, tips, and guides (if they're not too long, otherwise Subdocument (see #3)) and any other useful information like developer, developer website, manufacturer, whatever the relevant metadata is directly in the page for that piece of software/hardware/service if possible. Creating individual pages for each and every one of these will clutter the categories which is probably what led to Sub-Sub categories in the first place.

    3) Subdocument really long guides into the article page. I'm not entirely sure how this would look, but the general idea is place the Guide directly in the relevant page like say, a tip for making Safari faster (if you have one) would go directly in the article page under a Subheading of "Tips" if it's a few sentences to a paragraph long, but if it's too long and Safari already has a lot of different tips inline, you might want to instead create a page directly for your tip of putting Safari on steroids and then link to that somewhere on the Safari page, I'm not sure where yet but a simple "Related pages" thing wouldn't be good enough, I'm thinking something similar to how Wikipedia users broke the Cell BE page into several, or how they have a dedicated sidebar for related pages to say... Anarchy, or the Democratic Party... anyway I'll work on this idea some more and see if I have a better solution.

    4) Don't be afraid of UNIX, Mac OS X has always been considered UNIX-like and is now certified UNIX with official support for the POSIX API. "Terminal Commands" are not so much Commands as they are individual packages and programs, separating them from the rest of the Software just because they run in the CLI is well, to say the least, annoying. You have OpenOffice.org for example in the main Software Category and that's an X11 program, but all the Terminal programs like man and top are separated from the Software category with the exception of pwd for some arbitrary reason. OK I realize there's a lot of people editing these pages and that inconsistencies are bound to happen, but that's why we need a simpler category page.

    5) There are 3 Games Lists, List of Universal Games, Free Mac Games, and List of Intel Games, I already posted in the discussions of those pages that we need to separate games by genre, not architecture or price.

    A note about Subcategories, is there anyway to make them act more like filters instead that would just limit the items in the list to the items in that category, or will we just have to post the articles under both the category and the subcategory for that to work? If possible, subcategories would be better off functioning as filters, then we could have an inclusive list of hardware and the list could be filtered by clicking on one of the categories, but I'm not sure if MediaWiki allows this.

    I'm sure there's a lot of problems I'm missing from this um, well rant/list.

    1. Hardware- (this would include Apple's hardware, notable 3rd party accessories, processors, internal hardware, Apple's hardware patents, and other hardware data.) Subcategories: Mac, Server, iPhone, iPod. (I'd only agree to those Subcategories if we could get them to work as filters instead, otherwise that's pretty much the entire list subcategorized).

    2. Software� Subcategories: Operating Systems, Applications (including Terminal PROGRAMS and X11 PROGRAMS without any sort of Sub-Subcategorizing here, if a user cares about getting the most out of their computer, they won't care whether it is GUI or CLI), Software Development, and Games (Only if we were to use subcategories as filters).

    3. Services (same as before)

    4. Networking (same as before)

    5. People, Events, and Organizations (would include companies, expos, and of course People, there would be no need for any subcategories here either)

    6. Guides (I didn't touch on this before, but this is for guides that really don't fit under a specific category, maybe meta-guides that encompass the benefits that other guides on other pages provide for example)

    7. Macrumors.com (I also didn't touch on this one, maybe it could be renamed to something else, but since the Buyer's Guide is a tab in itself on the main page and would be included under Guides anyway, probably all the Subcategories could be eliminated and this could serve as a place to store Help pages and Templates for reference, we might as well rename it while we're at it, or create a separate "Editors" category for what I'm talking about and leave this one as it is since I don't really care about the stuff relating directly to Macrumors.com... heh)

    Keep in mind that the Guides are here to help educate the users, therefore there is no reason to shun some things like the UNIX parts out into a sub-sub category simply to keep it user friendly, someone is likely here to learn how to find out how to do something specific or else find other information, and the Guides should be a good information service exactly for that without doing any user-unfriendly filtering for them. :-p

    I am open to debate about all of this, but I want to agree to something by next week if it's possible, it is supposed to be a Wiki after all but if it's total anarchy then that's no good either, and after this mess of a categorization system is over with and we have some lightweight guidelines for us and anybody we can recruit to make changes, then we can actually focus on the articles instead of the hierarchy.



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  • katie ta achoo
    Sep 17, 11:52 PM
    Myself... I'm packin' Smacky. <10 points to whomever first identifies the reference>

    Isn't that from Get Fuzzy?

    /mmm, google. :D

    to be on topic:

    If you're set on a mac-usin'-momma, is there a Mac User group you could meet some Mac-using ladies at? We're a fun bunch (if I may say so myself.)

    Other than that, I dunno.. go to starbucks or something to meet people? A singles mixer? *shrug*

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  • JackAxe
    Mar 29, 11:03 PM
    This is dumb, but blowing on the mic makes the menu items spin faster. I never bought a DSi, so I'm not sure they did anything like that?


    Bleh... My SD Card corrupted... OK, never mind. I had to power down my 3DS, then eject the SD card and re-insert it and now it works again.


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  • ogdogg
    Aug 19, 09:36 PM
    This new location feature is screaming "Im not at home, please break into my house!"

    If you have people on your friends list that will rob your house, you are an idiot.

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  • coolbreeze
    Jan 4, 12:48 PM
    If you have the 2gig plan, I wish you the best! (oh, stay away from Skype video chat and Howard Stern streaming too).

    I find it so ironic that caps are the norm now and companies seem to be adding streaming services daily. It's a freight train headed in the wrong direction...data overages are becoming more and more likely.


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  • steelfist
    Oct 10, 05:54 AM
    aw, crybaby, you are going to lose buisness aren't you? don't worry, there's always HD-DVD and Blueray movies coming out. these people just can't accept the fact that there's a new method, downloading legaly online, that's going to be a big hit. cry all you want. wah wah wah

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  • funkywhat2
    Jul 2, 09:56 PM
    Any limits to they type of printer I can use with an SE? I want to buy a used LaserWriter for one that I'm purchasing, and I don't want to buy one and pay for it to be shipped, olny to find out it's too new.

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  • Liquorpuki
    Mar 11, 04:54 PM
    German and Japan are even better.

    Which is ok because when the car breaks down, you donate twice as much money to your American mechanic

    Apr 7, 06:28 AM
    I've never jailbroke a ipod touch before so I don't rely know how to do it.
    I've got myself a ipod touch 32gb 4gen.

    So could some one give me a guide on how to do it, it's running on 4.3.1


    I've just seen I've posted this in Ipad :O
    Could some one move it to the right ipod bit thanks

    Apr 24, 04:58 PM
    Space kind of implies that you mean storage space/capacity, memory is what you're talking about.

    Still, some processes will just relaunch when you kill them. I doesn't mean that you can have more processes running, it will just quit the ones that are active so you start other processes.

    Mar 28, 06:29 PM
    Very happy about iOS 5 and Mac OS X Lion, i'm guessing MobileMe will also be revamped as well in the conference.

    But, i can't believe Hardware won't be previewed this time. I was hoping to see some nice new iMacs with Lion, but more importantly iPhone 5. Hoping for an earlier launch date.

    Feb 18, 07:52 PM
    All the geniuses in that room and I am sure Obama still thought he was smartest.

    Zombie Acorn
    May 6, 10:19 AM
    "Save a few fighter jets"? You mean the billions of dollars that could be better spent on more important things, such as healthcare? Billions. And apparently, the numbers that the Conservatives are giving as the cost are way below what the actual cost will be.

    I need to add that the other reason that people voted Conservative is because they had little confidence in Ignatief. This was due to a number of factors, which include his own doing and the smear campaign that was run against him.

    I think that if a better leader would have been running the Liberals, they would have done much better.

    He came off as an academic elitist with no grounding with the people. Glad to see he has retired where he belongs: out of politics and in academia.

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