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  • Kissaragi
    Mar 16, 08:54 AM
    Interesting points here...

    Apple also purposely leaves out things in their devices (iPad, iPhone) so that they can make tons of money off it, release a new device with all the features they left out and make a ton of money off that too...

    Only people with tinfoil hats on believe that.

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  • getheledout
    Apr 8, 01:53 PM
    Well I dont really have a cad program set up right now but in mastercam and google maps its a little difficult to use. Cant wait to get started in solidworks or inventor with it and hopefully learn how to use the little bugger.

    I can imagine that using it in a program that only requires 2D navigation can be a bit tricky. It does take getting used to, it's very sensitive.

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  • jonharris200
    Jan 5, 04:16 PM
    thanks arn, very thoughtful!

    [...bookmarks ( and sets that as his homepage instead...]


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  • Grasbak
    Jan 9, 08:30 AM
    Realistically, this is want I want:


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  • *LTD*
    Mar 6, 02:18 PM
    One problem I see with Apple though is once they have their successful recipe, they tend to stagnate on it. That's when the competition gets the jump, starts innovating themselves and pushes ahead.

    No they don't. They just attempt to copy (often badly), then license universally and flood the market with a lot junk that includes a ton of different models at very low price points.

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  • Buschmaster
    Sep 12, 09:20 AM
    Do you recall when iTunes launched the video store? The only TV shows were like 3-4 ABC shows + a few Disney Channel shows. I think you are underestimating the power of iTunes to drag studios along. Disney has a large library of titles, and not just Mickey Goes to Camp.

    But it's going to be HARDWARE that looms large if a movie store can be sucessfull, then pricing, then content. No WS iPod, and I think the sucess rate goes down dramatically. The majority of people have no desire to watch movies on their computer unless maybe on a laptop if they are travelling.
    Actually I believe it was 3... if my memory is holding true... it was...
    The Office, Desperate Housewives, and Lost.

    I remember it clearly because it was right next to when I got my new video iPod.... hmmmmmmm.....


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  • iW00t
    Jan 12, 01:09 AM
    That guy was an orphan who made himself into a billionaire with no help from anyone. Until you can do the same he has every reason to be smug.

    Even Bill Gates, for what it is worth, grew up in a nice sheltered family with rich parents.

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  • GadgetGav
    May 2, 11:47 AM
    Not quite. The data collection dialog was separate from the EULA agreement and was a voluntary opt-in. Whether you chose to opt-in or not did not affect how your device operated.

    Personally, I opted-in. I have no problem helping Apple to maintain their location database.

    Are you sure it was separate? Regardless, my point was that most people blindly click through those things (me included) and then get all mock-outraged when something comes up that was in the small print. It's taking a lot on trust to just click 'Accept' and most of the time it's OK... But check out the South Park episode for how it could go wrong..! :)

    I didn't say that opting in to the crowd sourced database affected your device, I'm saying that now that the tin-foil hat brigade have an option to completely disable this cached database file, _that_ could affect performance for things like Maps because it will have to calculate position from new data every time.


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  • carlgo
    Sep 29, 07:31 PM
    You won't be able to make phone calls in that house. And then Steve will release youtube videos showing how nobody can make phone calls from their houses, either. ;)

    I already posted that there was an antenna hidden in the wall. Now my source tells me the copper rain gutters are really antennas.

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  • Gasu E.
    Oct 25, 03:34 PM
    Who are you to judge how I'd raise my kids? I earned my money, and I'll spend it however I damn well please.

    Someone who thinks there is more than a little projection of moral superiority in this comment about someone's choice in bathroom/bedroom ratio. If that's how you choose to raise your kids, fine; but the moralizing is nonsense.


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  • kuebby
    Apr 6, 12:28 PM
    Well I'm glad it's free, I'd hate to pay $.99 to look at ads.

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  • Ugg
    Apr 16, 08:33 PM
    Why does it matter that he was gay? I thought that gay people where supposed to be the same as everyone else. Did his being gay give him some sort of super powers to break codes?

    George Washington was a very tall man. From all accounts, most people had to literally look up to him. Not telling students that he was a very, very tall man, would seem to be sort of silly. Physical presence has a huge impact on how people are perceived.

    Turing was gay during a time when gay acts were illegal. He would be chemically castrated, have his security clearance revoked and for years his accomplishments were tarnished by his "criminal behaviour". It wasn't until 2009 that the British Government apologized for its demonization of Turing.

    So on behalf of the British government, and all those who live freely thanks to Alan's work I am very proud to say: we're sorry, you deserved so much better.

    So, Mr Kramer, can you honestly tell me that Turing's homosexuality and the way he was treated is historically irrelevant?


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  • ritmomundo
    Mar 18, 05:56 PM
    I'm not saying that all other smart phones owners are jealous of my iPhone, I think we can all agree thats nonsense.

    From your original post --> "It seems that most people feel some kind of envy to me because I own an iPhone 4."

    Just sayin...

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  • ghall
    Jan 15, 01:29 PM
    I was somewhat disappointed. The only thing I really got excited about was the MacBook Air and the iPhone update. I said the same thing about last years MacWorld, it left me wanting more...i.e. "One more thing..."


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  • ghostface147
    Apr 15, 04:48 PM
    I am more curious how the labels are going to try to renegotiate contracts with Apple once Steve moves on.

    I am not too sure Tim Cook or anyone of his pay grade is as tough as Steve is when it comes to these label execs.

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  • twoodcc
    Aug 11, 09:59 PM
    fair call, added power, costs, fuss etcetc. not worth it i guess

    i think it might be worth it on some systems, but not this one. this one has had a rough life


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  • Multimedia
    Aug 7, 09:48 PM
    Anyone Here Think We Should Buy Dell 30" Displays Instead? They are still a lot less money with more inputs. :)

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  • darthraige
    Apr 26, 08:17 AM
    What do they mean they can't tell if it's real? Ok course it's a fake, look at the perspective of the screen in the top right corner of the hand photo.

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  • Hastings101
    Apr 9, 12:22 AM
    Go for it! If they deserve it, they deserve it!

    Yea, the other people working there deserve to suffer for something one person does :p

    Mar 13, 09:59 AM
    Tablets don't even redefine computing at all anyway. It's all the same it's always been. A device that takes input, processes it according to a set of instructions, and outputs a result or provides storage.

    That's the basic definition of a computer. iPad, iPhone, Macbook, Xserve, Mac Pro, they are all computers. You use them to input data, process it, store it or output it to an output device (printer, screen).

    To think there's some kind of paradigm-shift going is simply having your head in the clouds.

    For programmers, nothing has changed, we're doing the same thing with the devices people in the 1970s were doing, albeit, with more refined output capabilities and different input devices.

    For server admins nothing has changed. These thin/fat clients are still needing server architectures to drive them and still use the very core Client/Server model for most of their servers. Heck, moving things "into the cloud", just means more power on the server backend and less in the client. That means more infrastructure to manage for us server guys. :D "Cloud computer" is just another way of saying "Client/Server" model and the 60s called about that, they want us to quit renaming their concept.

    For "desktop support" people, nothing has changed. Devices have to be imaged with the software the customer needs, it needs to be configured and that configuration needs to be managed. It needs to get hardware service when broken. It needs software support for when things don't really work right or for when the user needs a live person "manual" to reference.

    Heck, I'd go so far as to argue even for users, what really changed ? iPad is a big e-mail, web, facebook, gaming device. PCs/Laptops have been this for these people for the last 10 or 15 years. They are doing the same thing on tablets that they were on laptops. There's no paradigm shift at all, just a different format. It would be like calling laptops a paradigm shift when they came out.

    Oct 14, 01:53 PM
    Apples Releases its 3Q numbers after the market close this Wednesday. There have been many times where Jobs has used blow out earnings announcements to launch new products in tandem. I wouldnt be surprised if they launched the video/wireless during their earnings call on Wed.

    Jan 6, 04:03 AM
    I would love to do this, but I'm put off by the whole 'unusable stream' thing that is inevitable for the first day or so.

    It's a shame Apple don't use the same tech used for their movie trailers - at least that way I can wait until it's half loaded before I start watching. That way it can be watched without any stutters or pauses.

    Even better, a full download via bittorrent would be ideal - and no doubt save them a packet on bandwidth.

    That said, am I correct in thinking that you can save the completed file with QT Pro? Perhaps someone could do that and make a torrent from it?

    Apr 25, 07:41 PM
    Bigger sensor requires bigger lens and bigger lens requires bigger housing. With Apple, you are not going to get this. If you look for bigger sensor -check Nokia or Sony phones.

    They increased the sensor size with the 4 even though the phone was overall slimmer, they could do it again

    Nov 16, 01:58 PM
    Before my recent purchase of an iMac my whole family used AMD PC's, and I found that they performed pretty well at low-heat to. I had a AMD 64X2 4400+ and it ran idle at 30�C , it maxed out around 40� with stock heatsink.
    While I'll admit Intel is ahead right now in tech. AMD does have "native" quad-core which should perform better than the Intel Quad-Core machines and on the lower-end AMD chips are in my opinion a great deal. They're also have some low-end chips which are going to be used in the OLPC so it could be used in some sub-notebook maybe?
    But I don't think we'll see Apple add some AMD chips to their lineup for at least 6 months.

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